

Heritage Building Links   
Nova Scotia Archaeology Links Museums and Historic Sites Links
Canadian Archaeology Sites Underwater Archaeology Sites
International Archaeology Sites International History Sites
Naval History Links Genealogy Links

Simeon Perkin's Diary (search for "Simeon Perkins" and follow the links)

Heritage Building Links

Heritage Trust of Nova Scotia

Heritage Designation in Peterborough, Ontario

Heritage Buildings Policy, Treasury Board of Canada

Ontario Heritage

Architectural Conservation Notes

Preservation Briefs, National Park Service

Museums and Historic Sites Links

Perkins House Museum, Liverpool, Nova Scotia, Canada

North Queens Heritage Site

Queens County Museum

Nova Scotia Museum - Listing of Museums

Cumberland County Museum

The Merseyside Maritime Museum (UK)

Parks Canada: Nova Scotia Historic Sites

The Shelburne River: Nova Scotia's First Canadian Heritage River

Historical Biographies, Nova Scotia, 1600-1700

The Fort at No. 4 Living History Museum

Nova Scotia Archaeology Links

Nova Scotia Museum's Archaeology Page

Visit the Nova Scotia Archaeology Society

Archaeology at Uniacke Estate Museum Park (Mount Uniacke, Nova Scotia

Minas Basin Archaeological Project Information

Underwater Archaeology Sites

A Guide to Underwater Archaeology Resources on the Internet

Institute of Nautical Archaeology

The Nautical Archaeology Society is a voluntary organization formed to further interest in our nautical heritage.

Canadian Archaeology Sites

The Newfoundland Museum Archaeology and Ethnology Pages

Canadian Archaeological Association

Council for Northeast Historical Archaeology Dedicated to archaeological scholarship in the American Northeast, including the Canadian provinces

Cataraqui Archaeological Research Foundation Serves as an introduction to archaeology in general and to archaeology in and around Kingston, Ontario.

Ontario Archaeological Society Presents a summary of the archaeology of Ontario online.

Ottawa Chapter of Ontario Archaeological Society Features studies and reports on the history of Eastern Ontario, the cumulative index of their newsletter, The Ottawa Archaeologist and the prehistory of the Ottawa-Carleton region.

London Chapter of the Ontario Archaeological Society Represents the regional interests and concerns of the archaeological community in Southwestern Ontario, by providing field activities, social events and advocacy opportunities.

Canadian Heritage Government of Canada Heritage Department Info.

International Archaeology Sites

The Society for Historical Archaeology

AON - Archaeology on the Net 1500+ annotated, categorized links.

Industrial Archaeology Video Archive Record past and present industrial activity on film and video for posterity.

Rhode Island Marine Archaeology Project has performed background research, collected historical information and conducted field work on the vessels beneath Rhode Island waters.

Chronology of Southwestern Archaeology Timelines for both Anasazi Periods and Non-Anasazi Peoples. Includes Chaco Canyon Pueblos.

Biblical Archaeology Excellent, well-organized link collection

International History Sites

The Merseyside Maritime Museum (UK)

Mersey Heritage Society, Liverpool, England - Liverpool Mayhorse Parade

History of London, England

Naval History Links

Gail's Ships and Naval History Catalog

Tour of HMS Victory

The Maritime Museum of the Atlantic, Halifax, Nova Scotia

U.S. Navy Ships' Plans

The Maritime History Virtual Archives

Trait sur la construction des vaisseaux, 1776

Royal Marines in the 19th Century

Napoleonic Naval Index Page

Royal Navy Officers' Uniform Distinctions, 1795 -- 1812

Genealogy Links

Public Record Office | Finding Aids

Lunenburg and Queens County Births, Marriages and Death Records

The Scotland GenWeb Project

Nova Scotia, French Acadian and Scottish Genealogy

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